Hopeless Hope

One of my favorite songs to write. Hopeless Hope was written as I was packing my house in PA to move to Nashville. So in essence, imagine an empty house (with amazing acoustics) and kind of reminiscing on your journey so far. Are you hoping for something that’s hopeless? How do you know when to no longer have hope? When does hope turn into delusion?

I still don’t know that I have an acceptable answer to those questions but I can tell you this: always hope for the best, but never feel disappointment if you fall short. Sometimes I think we set really high expectations for ourselves and that’s great, it’s incredibly motivating to push yourself. However, don’t overlook the less noticeable blessings you’ve received along the way. Did you hit a million streams off of your very first single ever? No. But did it lead to a year of absolute bliss and a sense of finding yourself? Yes. So remember to shoot for the moon because if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars.


Over It