Over It

Anger…what a provoking emotion? If I could describe how I felt when writing this, it would be like a feral cat backed into a corner. I think I had allowed so much in my life that didn’t resonate and I didn’t agree with but went along with to “fit in”. I struggled with expressing myself honestly because of this peculiar mentality that people wouldn’t like me anymore or I wouldn’t get invited to things. Truthfully, the moment I stood up for myself and spoke my truth everyone vanished.

So what do you do when one of your biggest fears comes true? You realize that it was never about them, it was always about you and you will always be fine as long as you have your own back. You get to decide who you want to surround yourself with and let me tell you it is so so important. When you surround yourself with people who inspire you, you become inspirational. When you surround yourself with fans, you become your own biggest fan & a fan of the incredible people all over the world. When you surround yourself with hard-workers, you become hard-working. When you surround yourself with negativity & obsession with material gain, who do you think you’ll become?

Choose to be over it. If there’s one person who’ll support you for it, you got me babes. Always remember that.


Hopeless Hope


10 Swords Drawn